Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not so serious frogs...

I made these before studying the frog bones... 
Dinosaurfrogs as a friend called them.
the bones got too serious to have as a top post.
So, for my own peace of mind, goofy stuff on the top :)

Frogging about

Ive been looking at various animal bones recently.
I guess i should post something, so my blog dont become a place my old stuff go to die ;)
A few studies of the frog skeleton.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Out with the old and in with the new

Right! that was some old stuff.

Now.. lets see if i'll remember to post new art, character designs, costumes and what not.

Spring and summer is incomming. Its going to be awesome :)
Bachelor, here i come!

7 creatures, 7 days... and a magic wand "uuuhhhhhh"

griddy picture, but the closeups should be better

drawn with pen and markers.

Zander, Mascot for DM i tegning 2010

made from a premade design by a young girl.
the foam "skeleton" was cut by a good friend of mine

Old sketch of a viking rat

i had the Led Zeppelin "viking" song on repeat.. and this just kept popping into my head.

A few randoms from old school projects

Everyone wants to be a rockstar, but will you pay the price

Inky face business

Faces, faces, faces..


Character design for an animation flick i made in school with a few others.
This guy was one of the first drafts for the monkey. I kinda like how he's a face with arms and legs :)
you can watch the 2min animation of a monkey and his love if u click HERE!


an ink splat that all of the sudden looked like a vulture
Some ink drawing of vultures.

the colouring is made with markers

body shapes

A few tests i made for character body shapes.

Lets see if this works

A random character i made with ink